Grand Challenges Annual Meeting Day 3 - 11 October 2023

Dakar, DK, Senegal. - October 2023. Panel: envisioning the next 20 years of the Global Health Innovation Journey Moderator: Dr. Trevor Mundel, President, Global Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, United States Panelists: • Dr. Moses Alobo, Head of Programmes, Science for Africa Foundation, Kenya • Dr. Delese Darko, Chief Executive Officer, Food and Drugs Authority, Ghana (TBC) • Dr. Tariro Makadzange, Director, Charles River Medical Group and Mutala Research, Zimbabwe • Dr. Amadou Sall, Chief Executive Officer, Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Senegal at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting 2023. Diamniadio, Senegal on Oct 11 2023. The Grand Challenges Annual Meeting aims to catalyze collaboration among researchers, funders, and other partners to accelerate innovation for impact in solving the world’s most urgent global health and development problems.