GC 2016 - The London Evening Standard's Progress Conversation with Bill and Will.i.am
Science Museum
Join Bill Gates and will.i.am for an exciting discussion on how science is delivering breakthroughs and innovations that are transforming lives around the world. Find out how scientific skills and knowledge are changing lives for the better, how the next generation of innovators will revolutionize our world and why London is a powerhouse for creative thinking. You’ll hear how these two philanthropists share a passion for science as a tool for developing innovative solutions and could win the opportunity to ask them your very own question on the topic.
This will be followed by the Science Museum’s Contagion Lates, an evening of entertainment on the deadliest diseases facing the world today, and the innovative solutions being developed to combat them.
For any inquiries please contact Cecilie Sørhus on Cecilie.Sorhus@gatesfoundation.org.